
Thanks for stopping by. I’m Thom Crowe. I'm an avid writer and podcaster. You can check out the podcast I co-host with two amazing folks, Tis the Podcast, or read some of my articles at Live Orthodoxy blog. I've spent 25 years studying comparative religions, enjoy discussing Church history and liturgics, and as well as Biblical Studies and Church Fathers. When not parenting or at church, I like to tinker with developing and building things.

If you’d like to work with me on a project or have me come speak, feel free to email me


I’m Thom. A little about me, I was ordained a deacon in the Orthodox Church before joining the Anglican tradition, work in tech marketing marketing, am a dad to a sweet little girl and husband to a great wife who runs the Made Shop. I’m an avid reader, beer aficionado, lover of theology and history, and aspiring coffee snob. We have a pretty happy life here Tulsa, OK.

Still reading? Well, here are some other random tidbits

  • My favorite bands are Jimmy Eat World & The Cure
  • I love fantasy books and movies (I’m kinda obsessed with the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Westeros)
  • If I lived in one of those fantasy worlds, I would be a human (TLOR), live in Ravenclaw (HP), and be a Baratheon (ASOIF)
  • My three favorite books are: The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace & The Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
  • I’m one of the only people I know who loves Mr. Pibb
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with Christmas
  • I absolutely love to cook
  • I have studied English, Political Science & Theology in college/post-grad
  • I have seen every episode of The Simpsons and Family Guy at least once
  • I can recite most of Monty Python’s Quest for the Holy Grail
  • My favorite dinosaur is the Triceratops
  • I love Middle Eastern and Indian food

Want to know anything else? Just ask.